Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project (WaSKiRP)


Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project (WaSKiRP)
Gefinancierd door Belgium
Fase In uitvoering
Sector 14030 Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation
Startdatum 11 juli 2017
Einddatum 11 januari 2025
Budget 12 000 000.00 €
Code TAN1403211
Afgekorte naam WaSKiRP


Following a new extension and additional funding to the project, the Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project (WaSKiRP) is now a 6-year project (2017-2023). The budget 12.8 million euro of which 12 million is from the Kingdom of Belgium and 800,000 is from the government of Tanzania. The project is rehabilitating existing water supply assets and constructing new ones while preparing the capacity of local communities and the Rural Water Supply Agency (RUWASA) to manage the infrastructure funded by the project. The project is being implemented in 6 Districts of Kigoma Region and is expected to serve a total population of about 200,000 people by the end of 2023.


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