Boosting Equal Learning Opportunities - WeLearn


Korte inhoud project

The 'Boosting Equal Learning Opportunities' (WeLearn) aims to ensure the right to safe and quality education and health care for vulnerable groups including children, girls and women, and refugees.

Results will be achieved through three pathways aiming at improving access to and successful completion of four years of quality lower secondary education.

Code UGA22008
Startdatum 29 June 2023
Einddatum 23 November 2027
Fase Execution
Donor Belgium
Sector 11320 Secondary education
Budget Niet beschikbaar

Algemene doelstelling

The right to safe and quality education and health care is more transparently ensured, in particular for vulnerable groups including children, girls and women, and refugees

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - SO: Adolescents – In particular girls and refugees – are accessing and completing four years of quality lower secondary education


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