Public Financial Management for Service Delivery phase II: Technical Assistance to Sector’s Analytical Capacity

PFM4SD bis

Korte inhoud project

The PFM4SD bis project (Public Financial Management for Service Delivery phase II: Technical Assistance to Sector’s Analytical Capacity) aims to contribute to the strengthening of the health system in Mozambique, with sustained added value. Its main objective is to increase population’s access to health services in terms of quality, access, and availability.

Code MOZ23003
Startdatum 01 January 2024
Einddatum 05 January 2027
Fase Execution
Donor Belgium
Sector 12110 Health policy and administrative management
Budget Niet beschikbaar

Algemene doelstelling

I1. Population’s access to health services is increased in terms of quality, access, and availability. OC. Decision-making on funding and resource allocation use evidence generated and timely provided by DAF and DPC technicians at the MoH aiming an increased knowledge of purpose of public spending in health.

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - OC1 The performance of the MoH technicians (DAF and DPC) in planning and financial management is increased thanks to the routine exercise of critical data analysis.
B - OC2 Knowledge and skills are catalysed, aggregated, transferred, shared, and disseminated.
C - OC3 'Analytical Units' for accounting and for strategic choices are created and produce data analysis to feed dialogue.
D - OC4 MoH and DPs promote a comprehensive dialogue in health policy and planning by considering PFM related analysis.


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