Implementation of the NAMA Facility: Mitigation Action Project - Programme for Sustainable Waste Management in Mozambique


Gefinancierd door GIZ
Fase In uitvoering
Sector 14050 Waste management / disposal
Startdatum 1 mei 2024
Einddatum 30 november 2029
Budget 415 345.00 €
Code MOZ22002
Afgekorte naam ValoRE-MAF


The ValoRE project aims to achieve sustainable waste management in Mozambique.

The structural transformation of the municipal solid waste sector in Mozambique have been shifted towards a low emission development pathway which is built on the principles of the waste hierarchy and the circular economy. Sustainable waste infrastructure projects and value chain activities have been financed and implemented in three municipalities in Mozambique, and waste value chain activities will have been supported in the municipalities.


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