Inclusive access to quality education and learning

Quality Education and Learning

Korte inhoud project

Pillar 1 : Youth empowerment
GO : Young people in Palestine develop into active and critical citizens, ready for local and global challenges through improved education, training, guidance and access to employment.
Intervention 1: Inclusive Access to Quality Education & Learning
SO1 : Boys and girls, young women and men access quality education and acquire STEAM and 21st century skills in a conducive learning environment.

Code PSE22001
Startdatum 09 March 2022
Einddatum 08 July 2027
Fase Execution
Donor Belgium
Budget 17 452 890.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

Young people in Palestine develop into active and critical citizens, ready for local and global challenges through improved education, training, guidance and access to employment

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - Boys and girls, young women and men access quality education and acquire STEAM and 21st century skills in a conducive learning environment


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