Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda
> Ouganda



Malyamu Kyakusiimire, a deaf mother of five, lives and sells in Kijura trading centre. Before she joined the skills training on liquid and bar soap, she would only sell her foodstuff. However, things took a turn for better as she has added soap to her stock every evening in Kijura trading centre.

The six-day training programme in liquid detergent and bar soap production was held in Masindi district in November 2019. The training was designed to equip 50 youths with short skills training that bring immediate impact to their lives.

Disabled youth, especially the deaf, are among the most marginalised population in Uganda. The negative behaviours and attitudes from society towards the hearing impaired eventually leads to slow progression in their lives. They meet communication challenges which reduce their chances to access education and gain meaningful employment.  
In a bid to support relevant skills development for vulnerable youth, especially women and girls, Enabel, the Belgian development agency through the Support to the implementation of the Skilling Uganda strategy (SSU) project, has partnered with the livelihood actor Safeplan Uganda, to promote skills training to vulnerable youth and persons with disabilities in Masindi district.

When Hajat Mwajuma, Malyamu’s interpreter asked her to come and learn about liquid and bar soap making, she readily accepted this request. Malyamu went ahead to learn and go back to sell her foodstuff every evening for all the six days of training. On average, she used to earn about UgShs. 2,000 as profit from her work, but ever since the addition of soap to her stock, she earns up to UgShs. 5,000. 

Malyamu is a very aggressive woman in business who, despite her hearing impairment, does not allow this to infringe on her capability to earn money. 'I am impressed with the liquid soap skills training,’ says Malyamu, as interpreted by Hajat Mwajuma. She also adds, ‘Out of my savings of UgShs. 70,000, I want to add and start my own soap production.’

Malyamu is currently working as a commission agent selling liquid soap earning 30% of her all her sales at Safeplan Uganda office.

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