Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda
> Ouganda



Adungo Mark is a graduate of St Daniel Comboni Vocational Institute, he is one of the builders at the construction site near the institute. He steadily climbs the ladders up to the top part of the building in a bid to finish his painting of the upper roof.

Mark was raised by his paternal uncles whom he lived with in turns during and after school holidays. He has no clue about his father’s whereabouts but he is determined to have a better life. Luckily enough he had a sponsor who facilitated his stay in school and later convinced him to do vocational training after senior four.
”I had never wanted to join a vocational school at first,” said mark. “I remained at home for two weeks after the term opened but decided to go to St. Daniel Comboni vocational training institute and now I think I made the right decision,” mark revealed. He then went and enrolled for a skills training course in automotive mechanics which he completed successfully and graduated in 2018.

He earns up to ninety thousand shillings a day from construction work and saves about thirty thousand shillings since he has a responsibility of paying his young sisters fees and helping his aunt in the village with some money to cultivate their land.

Mark has dreams of upgrading his education to become a mechanical engineer after he saves enough money to finance himself. ”I would like to study more and upgrade so that I become a mechanical engineer one day.”

The training was implemented under the Skills Development Fund, operated by the Belgian development agency Enabel under its Support to the Skilling Uganda Strategy, and funded by Irish Aid. The aim of the Skills Development Fund is to equip young Karamojong with employable skills for the readily available job market.  

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