Support to the development of human resources in Uganda

> Ouganda

Computer use training easing work at NTC Kabale

  • Computer training easing work at NTC Kabale

“I have a laptop, but don’t know how to use it,” Ariyo Marysent, a lecturer at NTC Kabale intimated before she attended the ICDL training organized by the Support to the Development of Human Resources (SDHR) project.

So did Turyahikayo Hope, who didn’t know how to use a computer, Mercy Kiconco who didn’t know how to effectively use excel and tally and yet is the senior accounts assistant at the college, and Annet Komunda who had a desire to learn management of information systems among other areas. All this is history for these staff and many others.

“This training has changed my life,” Marysent mentions. “I can now use my computer to prepare presentations on PowerPoint, send emails, enter marks in excel and input a formula, unlike before. This training was very enriching,” she adds

“We even now don’t have to enter the class and dictate notes. I type my information, print it out and give handouts to students,” adds Annet.

“I used to sit up all night and use a calculator to total up sums from the accounts. Now it is as easy as can be. I simply enter the data in an excel sheet, input a formula, and all results come automatically,” Mercy says.

“Thanks to this training, I now have ample time for my family. I no longer hustle with adding up and balancing accounts manually,” Mercy adds.

As the college embraces active learning and teaching methods, that incorporates the use of ICT to enhance knowledge transfer, the training came in quite handy for staff.

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