Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC)

> Palestine

Field visit to Al Samu

  • Field visit to Al Samu

Last week, the Enabel team visited the construction works at Al Samu where the Regeneration of Historic Centers Program is rehabilitating the area. The “Hosh Ajwa” building is being restored to install a “one-stop shop”, housing the post office and property tax office.  The “Al Ratrout” and “Al Daghamim” Hosh buildings will be used as a showroom, a gift shop, a translation center, a training center, and a library. A separate space will be allocated for kids to receive training courses and enjoy fun activities.  
The Regeneration of Historic Centers program is implemented by the Ministry of Local Government and the Municipal Development and Lending Fund, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and funded by the Belgian Government through Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency.

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