Improving the training of secondary teachers in National Teachers' College KALIRO

NTC Kaliro
> Ouganda

Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has increasingly become an integral part of today’s education system and this is mainly because it has the potential to support many education functions such as teaching and learning, research, management and administration. Throughout the month of September 2018, the Teacher Training Education (TTE) Project equipped National Teachers’ Colleges with ICT equipment that is sure to improve teaching and learning within the classroom and provide more access to information for teacher trainees and NTC lecturers. These included: 46 computers, 26 laptops, 11 cameras, 61 tablets and 10 printers. This also included a library kit that comprised of printing and binding machines that were intended to back up the functionality of the library, making them more effective and capable of supporting both teachers and student’s needs.

The TTE project in partnership with the Ministry of Education have taken steps aimed at fulfilling the long-awaited gap in relation to the shortages of ICT equipment in the Teachers colleges. The colleges are now in the right direction for enhancing the usage of ICT so as to promote its lecturers and students to fit in the 21st century with ease.

Madame Ketra Lugumba the Assistant School Practice Officer at NTC Mubende had this to say. “The advent of Active Teaching and Learning in the colleges in 2014 is now being made a reality as it has received more enforcement particularly with the delivery of ICT equipment. With this, lecturers will be able to integrate ICT in teaching and learning for example in music when teaching ‘pitching’, the computer with a music software can give you the right pitching when going through a music ladder (d r m f s l t d’) and in Professionals Particularly Development Studies subject when teaching Neo colonialism the photographs of Kwame Nkurumah can be up loaded and shown to students to associate with the content being handled.  ICT equipment will also ease typing at the college, facilitate easy administration of assignments, use the internet in daily lessons, facilitate self-learning, promote social networking, improved data storage (record keeping) and practical training. It also facilitates research undertakings and assessment, provides rich learning resources at the college with corresponding high outcomes as well as facilitating independent study efforts.”

The college lecturers believe that Active Teaching and Learning will be consolidated further and run even more smoothly within the college with the purchase of ICT equipment and that it will produce high outcomes from both the teachers, students and surrounding communities.  

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