Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestine

First Career Day for TVET graduates in the West Bank

  • First Career Day for TVET graduates in the West Bank

Many companies from different sectors, ranging from tourism over fashion design to carpentry have difficulties finding skilled employees. Youngsters with technical skills are in high demand in the whole country, but sometimes it is difficult for them to get into contact with the right companies. Earlier this year a very successful career day for graduates from the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector was organised by the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) in Gaza. BTC was very pleased to support the organisation of the first career day for TVET graduates in the West Bank, which took place in the VTC in Halhul, near the city of Hebron on the 3rd of May 2016. This career day was jointly organised by eight different schools, technical colleges and vocational training centres.

The job fair had two main objectives:

  • to show graduates the job opportunities in the Hebron governorate and bring them into contact with local companies
  • to offer companies the opportunity to promote their business and advertise their job vacancies.            
The job fair has become a big success, as around 30 companies were registered, and many more students from different schools in the region were looking for a job. The career day was supported by BTC in close cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, who are jointly responsible for the TVET sector in the Palestinian Territory.

It is still too early to know how many students have effectively found a job thanks to the career day. At the very least the students have had the opportunity to meet a wide range of companies looking for skilled workers like them. Furthermore, the job fair has set a good example for the whole region by bringing the private sector and TVET institutions together in order to narrow the gap between the world of training and the world of work.   

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