Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC)

> Palestine

The Second Palestinian Urban Forum (PUF II) in Birzeit

  • The Second Palestinian Urban Forum (PUF II) in Birzeit

On Monday and Tuesday 30 and 31st of November, the Second Palestinian Urban Forum (PUF II) took place in Birzeit under the slogan “Localizing the New Urban agenda: Shaping the future of Palestinian Cities”. Whereas in the first Urban Forum (Nablus, March 2012) the rapid and uncontrolled urban development in the Palestinian cities, towns and villages was seen as a big challenge, now, in 2017, it became clear that urbanization can be a source of opportunities and solutions rather than challenges.

The Forum focused on 4 key themes: Integrated Urban Planning; Urban Economy; Inclusive and cohesive cities; and Innovation and future cities.  During the forum a special focus was given to Local Economic Development, which is a core pillar of our LGRDP program. Our colleague Bashir Barghouthi spoke about the informal economy and sustainable urban development in Palestine as part of the session on Local Economy Development – Cities as incubators.  

Furthermore, the RHC program was presented by Bosayna Abu Eisheh, the national coordinator for the RHC program at the Ministry of Local Government. She explained how old towns should be seen as the engine for the local economy. “Cultural heritage in Palestine is considered as an asset rather than a hinder for socio-economic development. […] Improving the infrastructure and services of the historic centers to meet the modern needs will attract and encourage the private sector to invest in these historic centers by having small businesses that provide job opportunities for the residents of the village.”

During the closing session recommendations towards a New Urban Agenda in Palestine were formulated. Overall, this Forum highlighted once more the ongoing efforts and dynamics, as well as the opportunities that are to be seized in the future. 

More information on the Forum can be found here:

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