Capacity Development for the Planning Reform (CDPR)

> Vietnam

Support to One Stop Shops in Vietnam

  • Support to One Stop Shops in Vietnam

The Administrative Procedure Controlling Agency (Government Office - Prime Minister Office) requested BTC through OXFAM to give some input on One Stop Shops (OSS) international experiences.

Actually, APCA is drafting new guidelines on implementation of OSS. The meeting was presided by the director as well as all deputy directors and 30 staff. BTC proposed a short presentation (20 minutes) which was than followed by a very interesting discussion and exchange of ideas (2 hours).

OSS is the result of an organizational development process in which an administration transits from a classical "functional departmental structure” to a front desk - back office service oriented organisation.

The main items on the agenda for this reorganisation are :optimising procedures by applying the no-duplication principle, adjusting human resources in line with updated ToR, use of IT tools and finally, the budget implications. Putting in place a successful OSS organisation requires long term effort and vision. Long term means at least a 10 year period before OSS becomes the “new normal”. APCA expressed a lot of interest and assistance of BTC to exchange with counterparts in Belgium, more in particular with the department for Simplification (Dienst Administratieve Vereenvoudiging), BOSA (Digitale Transformatie, P&O) and FeDICT.

Furthermore, BTC was asked to comment upon the new draft. BTC support is not only useful for APCA but definitely for the RALG (Responsive and Accountable Local Governance) project where BTC support local governments in improving communication and service delivery towards citizens. It shows our multi-level approach as to enhance sustainability.

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