Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestine

Success Stories After the WBL Initiative: Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre

  • Success Stories After the WBL Initiative: Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre

One of the main goals of the ECIB Work-Based Learning (WBL) initiative is to create a sustainable and accessible apprenticeship program that allows Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to offer working experience in companies from the private sector, in a wide range of vocations, to students from all backgrounds.

Multiple success stories prove that the apprenticeship program is very effective in battling unemployment and in ensuring a smooth transition from education to employment.

One of these success stories comes from the Hair Dressing initiative at the Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre. Six months after their graduation, most of the school’s WBL graduates are now employed or started their own business. Thanks to the strong relationship with the private sector, that was created during the period of the WBL initiative, the school is able to continue sending new groups of students to different hair salons in the established network, even after the WBL program has ended. 

Moreover, the Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre continues to encourage men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in the program.

One of the future graduates is Muna, an older woman who joined the second group of hair salon trainees at Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre and who will be employed by the hair salon after finishing her internship.

“When she filled in her application at Bethlehem Star, we saw her age and we felt that it would be better to help a younger girl (…). After two weeks she came again and entered the application once more. Then I decided to study her: She has problems at home and she stayed at home all her life and didn’t study. I felt that I had to help her and give her the chance so I signed the application. I gave her the chance and I was right, thank God, she is excellent now and the partnership will employ her and give her a salary” (Ms. Julia Hanania, director of Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre)

“I feel that I am starting a new life. I went out of my home, met people and now I even have a job!” (Ms. Muna, student at Bethlehem Star Cultural Centre)”

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