Joint Financing Arrangement - phase II

> Palestine

Annual Sector Review (ASR)

  • Annual Sector Review (ASR)

The Joint Financing Partners (Belgium Germany, Ireland, Finland, and Norway) have been supporting the development of the educational system in the Palestinian Territory since 2010 through the Joint Financing Arrangement, JFA.

Last week was an important week for the JFA as the Annual Sector Review (ASR) of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) took place. This is an annual exercise to take stock of developments in the education sector during the previous year and to provide guidance on future strategic direction.

Four days of school visits, plenary sessions and workshops were attended by representatives from the Palestinian Authority (MoEHE central level, directorates, teachers and students), civil society and Development Partners (DPs). Besides the review of sector performance in 2016, this year's ASR focused on two key topics of innovation and inclusion.

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