Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestine

Launch of the Craftsperson Manual – Training of Trainers in the Gaza Strip

  • Launch of the Craftsperson Manual – Training of Trainers in the Gaza Strip

BTC, in partnership with the Local Employment and TVET Council – Gaza and Islamic Relief, launches the Craftsperson Manual – Training of Trainers in the Gaza Strip.

The training aims to build the capacity for the pool of trainers so they will be able to train the craftsmen from the private sector companies. This training wants to ensure the adequate implementation of the Work Based Learning – WBL approach by equipping the craftsmen who will train TVET trainees with the needed skills and competencies.

The training is implemented by Mr. Waheed Zahran, BTC certified trainer from the West Bank who was trained by SYNTRA (Belgian Institution, specialized in TVET and WBL).

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