The TEI OP-VET TA Facility: Unlocking Opportunity-Driven Skills Development

  • The TEI OP-VET TA Facility: Unlocking Opportunity-Driven Skills Development

The Team Europe Initiative on Opportunity-driven Skills and Vocational Education and Training in Africa (TEI OP-VET) is taking a major step forward with the launch of the Technical Assistance Facility. This project initiative is designed to link skills development and vocational education and training (VET) directly to real employment opportunities created by investments in the Global Gateway’s key areas of partnership: Digital, Health, Transport, and Climate & Energy. 

By doing so, TEI OP-VET aims to unlock the employment potential of these investments and support sector and value chain development.
Running from 2024 to 2029, TEI OP-VET is structured around three streams of action:

  1. Request-based TA Facility: Tailored technical assistance to identify employment opportunities and required skills needs.
  2. Regional Exchange on Public-Private Partnerships: to stimulate mutual learning and knowledge exchange of good practices on how to set up partnerships between public and private stakeholders for opportunity-driven VET.
  3. Competitive Funding Mechanism (Call for Proposals): To facilitate access to finance for innovative and opportunity-driven skills and VET actions in specific value chains. 
The Technical Assistance Facility offers request-based tailored expertise on the identification of employment opportunities, support for the implementation of OP-VET projects, monitoring and evaluation of OP-VET and Skills Development actions, and the reorientation of programmes to include an Opportunity-Driven VET and Skills Development approach. 

The TA Facility will soon be operational, starting with six targeted info sessions planned for late February to early March. These sessions will:
- Explain the TA Facility's function and process to specific audiences;
- Guide eligible organisations on how to submit requests;
- Highlight how the facility supports opportunity-driven skills development.
This is a milestone for the #TeamEurope Initiative on Opportunity-driven VET, marking the beginning of an impactful journey to address Africa's skills needs. While the info sessions are by invitation only, we are excited to start receiving requests and delivering tailored solutions that align skills training with tangible job opportunities. 

Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this transformative mission!#TEIOPVET #OpportunityDrivenVET #GlobalGateway #SkillsForJobs 

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