Supporting each other in healthy living and business growth in Uganda

  • Supporting each other in healthy living and business growth in Uganda

The Kamuli Network of People Living with HIV, formed in 2020, is a group of 25 members—17 women and 8 men—dedicated to supporting each other. In 2022, they evolved into a savings group and launched a poultry project. Each member contributed a membership fee of UGX 10,000 to kick-start the venture.

Starting with just 30 birds, the group reared and sold them, restocked with 50, and later grew to 300 birds. They initially relied on limited knowledge shared by a member but soon realized the need for professional guidance. After selling off the 300 birds, MUCOBADI (Multi Community-based Development Initiative) and Enabel stepped in to support them.

The group received invaluable training in Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) skills, poultry management, and business skills. They also received practical tools and resources such as brooding pots, feeders, PPEs, two wheelbarrows, and a solar panel. Most importantly, they were given 817 chicks, of which they successfully reared and sold 801, earning UGX 9,688,000 in revenue.

The poultry house they use was graciously offered by the mother of one member. Although the startup support gave the group a significant boost, they faced challenges, particularly with inadequate feed, which forced them to borrow money from their savings group. They took out loans totaling UGX 4 million to ensure the birds were well-fed.

The group’s commitment is evident in their collective decision-making and willingness to contribute personal funds to sustain the project. With plans to restock another 800 birds, they aim to avoid further loans and achieve financial independence.

A male member proudly stated, “Now we can see where we are going. The startup kit we were given has boosted our business a lot.” 

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