Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Ouganda

Enabel shares actions implemented through the Human Rights-Based Approach in the NTCs - Uganda

Enabel, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sports through the Teacher Training Education Project (TTE) project, integrates and implements the Human Rights-Based Approach in all its activities focusing on three main areas; digitalization, gender and climate.

Hellen Namyalo, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at the TTE project, shares how the Human rights-based approach to Enabel's actions implemented in the National Teachers colleges has promoted a conducive environment for teaching and learning through active engagement and participation of all stakeholders in activities such as:

  1. The Results-Based Management (RBM) Process
  2. The development, construction and setup of facilities that foster a safe learning  environment for students and;
  3. The design and development of teacher training materials and online courses for the NTCs.

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