Skilled Young Palestine - Improving Resilience and Job Creation for Youth

Skilled Young Palestine
> Palestine

Enabel Palestine signs and agreement with UNESCO

  • Enabel Palestine signs and agreement with UNESCO

UNESCO and Enabel Palestine have recently signed a cooperation agreement titled “TVET Competencies for Youth in the Palestinian Labour Market”. The joint cooperation is an integral part of the Skilled Young Palestine intervention, already implemented by Enabel in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour.

This agreement is the first formal cooperation between Enabel Palestine and UNESCO and will contribute to increasing the quality of the TVET-system and its outputs and will strengthen the local innovation eco-system with specific attention to inclusion.

The agreement is signed for a period of two years and will kick-off with the set-up of a sectoral innovation hub. Other activities include working on updating the Skills Forecasting Model, development of online TVET courses and training of trainers. Another component of the project will focus on inclusion in TVET, both at policy level and implementation level.

The two partners are looking forward to starting off the activities, and will work closely together with their partners throughout the implementation.

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