Skilled Young Palestine - Improving Resilience and Job Creation for Youth

Skilled Young Palestine
> Palestine

A Skills Development Fund - governance and financing of the TVET system

  • A Skills Development Fund - governance and financing of the TVET system

Under the first result of the Skilled Young Palestine (SYP) Project, Skills Development Funds (SDF) will be developed and implemented to contribute to the establishment of an institutional framework for skills development funding and governance in Palestine, whereby the set-up will mirror the future TVET commission. The SDF will serve as a flexible financing mechanism to stimulate bottom-up initiatives and partnerships between training institutions (public or private not-for-profit training providers) and the private sector, as well as social partners, in order to provide flexible, qualitative and demand-driven, i.e. labour market relevant, training and to facilitate the transition from the world of school (training institutions) to the world of work.

A coaching trajectory to facilitate the set-up and the implementation of the SDF
has started in 2020 and brought all stakeholders around the table to define the roles and responsibilities and set up a mechanism for social dialogue. The results of these round table discussions will result in a hands-on blueprint (with manual) that can be used by interested parties to facilitate the organisation and financing of skills development. The first results of the pilot that is taking place will feed into this manual.

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