Skilled Young Palestine - Improving Resilience and Job Creation for Youth

Skilled Young Palestine
> Palestine

Signing of 23 Grant Agreements for Skilled Young Palestine to implement pilot-SDF

  • Signing of 23 Grant Agreements for Skilled Young Palestine to implement pilot-SDF

By the end of February 2021, Enabel has signed 23 grant agreements to implement short-term training courses via a work-based learning approach. These 23 partnerships were signed with Private Sector Umbrella Organisations (PSUOs), and each partnership comprises of one PSUOs (and their members) and at least one Technical Vocational Training Centers.

The projects target over 10 different sectors and will be implemented in 2021 and 2022. They will be receive continuous support from Enabel and the Ministry of Labour throughout the implementation. These 23 projects are the first pilot for the Skills Development Fund (SDF). We are looking forward to the training activities and wish our partner all the best with the start!

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