Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestine

The inauguration of Sabastiya Basilica square and its surroundings

  • The inauguration of Sabastiya Basilica square and its surroundings

Sabastiya village celebrated the inauguration of the Basilica Square “Al Baydar” and its surroundings. The celebration was under the patronage of the Palestinian Prime Minister and attended by; the Minister of Local Government, the Minister of Tourism and Antiquates, Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of Belgium, Resident Representative of Enabel and other Palestinian Authority officials along with Sabastya village representatives.

The Basilica Square has a cultural and historical inheritance and is considered a touristic attraction point in Palestine and listed on the preliminary list of world heritage sites.

The rehabilitation project also included the installation and operation of 9 Kiosks to function as traditional Palestinian products and services kiosks: crafts, mosaic, traditional Sweets, traditional clothes, traditional food, kids supplies, ceramics, and homemade food kiosks. Such kiosks will increase the level of attraction to the historical area by offering products and services to visitors and tourists, hence develop the local economy.

The rehabilitation project was funded by the Government of Belgium through Enabel’s Regeneration of Historic Centres (RHC) programme and the Local Government Reform and Development (LGRDP – Phase II) programme. 

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