Inclusive, green and sustainable local economy in selected cities in Tanzania


Inclusive, green and sustainable local economy in selected cities in Tanzania
Financé par European Union
Phase En cours
Secteur 24030 Formal sector financial intermediaries
Date de début 15 mai 2023
Date de fin 14 novembre 2026
Budget 10 280 374.00 €
Code TZA22002
Nom abrégé IncluCities

Description du projet

The INCLU-CITIES project (Inclusive, Green, and Sustainable Local Economy in Selected Cities in Tanzania) is designed to support the growth of greener, more inclusive urban economies. It focuses on creating green jobs, fostering new enterprises, and expanding existing businesses to drive sustainable economic development.

  • Improving Business Development Services & Access to Finance – Strengthening the availability and accessibility of business development services, financial support, and capital investments in key economic sectors.
  • Enhancing Value Chains & Skills Development – Strengthening value chains by improving access to high-quality skills training and promoting entrepreneurship.
Implementation is underway in Mwanza, Tanga, and Pemba, with a focus on three key areas:
  • Skills Development & Employability – Enabel is fostering collaboration between employers and technical training institutions to identify skills gaps and develop training and mentorship programs that equip young people with marketable skills.
  • Circular Economy & Green Business Development – Organizations and community groups are receiving training in circular economy principles, particularly in solid waste management, to develop sustainable businesses, create jobs, and explore opportunities where digital and circular economies intersect.
  • Entrepreneurship & Financial Inclusion – Enabel and its partners are working to enhance entrepreneurship, improve financial literacy, and support women-led businesses in scaling up and becoming investment-ready.
Over the next 42 months, the project will help strengthen business development organizations to assist entrepreneurs in formalizing and expanding their ventures within key green sectors. Additionally, vocational training colleges will receive support to become centers of excellence in skills development, ensuring that urban residents in Mwanza, Tanga, and Pemba can access jobs and business opportunities in emerging circular and digital economies.


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