Improving access to reliable on-grid electricity services for households and priority public institutions


Résumé projet

The Indicative Cooperation Program (ICP 2011-2014) between Belgium and Rwanda allocates a total grant envelope of 55 million euro to the energy sector in Rwanda, split over four interventions:(i) geothermal energy development-, (ii) access to energy-, (iii) feed-in-tariff- and (iv) capacity building component. This project covers the access to energy component that has a total Belgian contribution of 17 million EUR and a duration of 4 years plus two extra year for the Specific Agreement.

Code RWA1208111
Date de début 14 February 2014
Date de fin 14 February 2020
Phase Closed
Bailleur Belgium
Secteur 23110 Energy policy and administrative management
Budget 17 000 000.03 €

Objectif général

The general objective of this intervention is the provision of sufficient, reliable and affordable energy for all Rwandans.

Objectifs spécifiques

A - The access to reliable on-grid electricity services for households and priority public institutions in rural areas is improved


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