Facility for Capacity Building (scholarship)

> Vietnam

Call for proposals 2017 - short training and capacity building innitiatives

The project Facility for Capacity Building (FCB) is inviting public institutions at provincial level and higher education institutions to submit concept notes on capacity building initiatives to compete for FCB grants. This is the second call for proposals from the project, which aims for supporting public institutions to implement short trainings, workshop, study tours, coaching and mentoring activities to enhance the capacity of their staffs.  The full call for proposal and guidelines for applicants can be obtained by contacting the PMU at minhtam@moet.edu.vn or ha.daothingan@btcctb.org. The deadline for applications is 30th June 2017.

The PMU has selected 6 proposals from the call in 2016.  Organizational assessment are underway before finalizing grant agreements by mid August 2017.

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