After finishing O-levels in 2016, Jamali Lwayi could not continue with
school because his parents could not afford fees for him and his siblings.
Determined to make a living, he chose to engage beekeeping as an income
generating activity. This is because it is relatively cheap to start compared
to other projects. Secondly, he had access to land at his father's home. He
also had some basic skills in making traditional hives from local materials,
which gave him a starting point.
Jamali faced many challenges in the beginning. He didn’t know how to
attract bees to his hives, so he visited experienced beekeepers in nearby
villages to learn from them. With time, he got better at preparing hives and
attracting bees using beeswax and propolis. He also learned how to transfer the
bees safely to his apiary.
In 2024, MUCOBADI (Multi Community-based Development Initiative) noticed
Jamali’s work during a training session he attended. They connected him to
Enabel, which trained him in business and entrepreneurship skills. These
trainings helped him improve how he keeps records and tracks his income. Enabel
also gave him a booster kit with items like harvesting baskets, honey filters,
protective gear, honey buckets, and four modern hives. Three of these hives are
now full.
“Enabel has given me knowledge and better tools. I no longer fear bee
stings, and my honey is now clear, which makes it easier to sell,” Jamali says.
His biggest market comes from patients in a nearby hospital. In
addition, he sells his honey to local supermarkets, traditional herbalists, and
people in his village.
Before getting support from Enabel and MUCOBADI, Jamali struggled with
producing good-quality honey. His honey often had particles, which made it less
competitive. Now, with better tools and training, his honey is clear and more
attractive to buyers. A liter of honey sells for UGX 20,000–25,000, and half a
liter goes for UGX 13,000–15,000, depending on the buyer.
Jamali is now confident and focused on growing his business. He plans to
expand his apiary and reach more customers in the future. With the skills and
tools he has gained, his beekeeping business is improving every day.
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