Gender for Development Uganda - Boosting Teacher Comptetencies for Gender Transformative Education

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Résumé projet

The 'Gender for Development Uganda - Boosting Teacher Competencies for Gender Transformative Education' (G4DU-WeTeach) project improves management of schools and provision of services to ensure safer and more conducive, quality teaching and inclusive learning environment for adolescent girls.

Its main objective is to empower adolescent girls and women through greater access to inclusive quality education and through knowing and exercising their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and to free them from sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Code UGA22002
Date de début 25 October 2023
Date de fin 01 January 2027
Phase Execution
Bailleur European Union
Secteur 11120 Education facilities and training
Budget Non disponible

Objectif général

To empower adolescent girls and women targeted under the action through greater access to inclusive quality education and through knowing and exercising their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and to free them from sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Objectifs spécifiques

A - To improve opportunities for adolescent girls and boys to learn in safe, well managed and gender-responsive schools.


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