European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) - Support Programme for Refugee settlements in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) Livelihood and Labor Market Relevant Skills Development for Refugees & Host Communities

> Ouganda

Uganda: "My customers have increased", says Abujeri Miragi

  • My customers have increased, says Abujeri Miragi

It is a shiny afternoon in Okuban Village, Ariwa Sub Country in Yumbe District. This area is home to Ugandan nationals and South Sudanese refugees.  
23-year-old Abujeri Miragi, a national is busy in his motorcycle and motor vehicle repair garage attending to clients.  

Miragi’s major customers are motorists in his Sub County. The global economic hardship has not spared his business. He says business is slow nowadays.  
However, he manages to get up to six clients daily.  “I used to earn about 8,000 shillings daily but it has risen to 15,000 shillings since my training,” Miragi says.  
On good days especially when he repairs a motorcycle engine, Miragi earns between 25,000 – 30,000 shillings.  
The father of one has learned to save part of his earnings at his village saving scheme.  
“I have now saved a total of 260,000 shillings. I hope to construct a big house out of the savings in the near future,” he says.  
The biggest obstacle the business faces is lack of spare parts in the trading center. He often travels up to Yumbe town to buy them. He says this is tiring and time-consuming. 
“I will need between 2 million – 3 million shillings to establish a spare parts shop,” Miragi explains. 

Using the mechanics skills, Miragi who dropped out of school in primary four is hopeful of providing a better future for his son.  
Miragi was trained in motor vehicle mechanics by a Mastercraft person in Koboko through the Support to Skilling Uganda project implemented by Enabel and the Ministry of Education and Sports.  

The project focuses on increasing access to quality skills development through training, scholarships, entrepreneurship skills and start-up kits for refugees and host communities.    Tracer study results show that 7 out of 10 graduates of the project find employment within 6 months after completion of course.   The Support to Skilling Uganda project is funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund. 

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