NTCs celebrate Milestones in the Transformation of Teacher Education in Uganda

  • NTCs celebrate Milestones in the Transformation of Teacher Education in Uganda

Every year on 5th October, Teacher Day is celebrated globally to recognize and appreciate teachers, teacher trainers and stakeholders in the teaching profession. This year, the same was done on 12th October at NTC Muni to mark the anniversary of the 1966 ILO UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers and to celebrate the NTCs’ contribution towards education transformation in Uganda.  

Under the theme “The transformation of education begins with teachers”, the NTCs showcased and shared various innovations that have tremendously transformed teacher education in Uganda. Specifically, digital innovations that ease the teaching and learning process, college management and improve service delivery were exhibited at the event. These include the Academic Management System, Koha, QuickBooks, Time on Task, Moodle and NTC Kabale’s digital hub. Other innovations showcased included college Income Generating Activities (IGAs), Climate Responsive Infrastructure, Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers and the Results- Based Management (RBM) process.

Speaking at the event, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Uganda said that Belgium has partnered with the Ugandan Government for several years to further develop the education system. He added, “We gave special attention to the five national teachers’ colleges, because they are the cornerstone of the secondary schools all over the country.”

The Ambassador then highlighted the importance of teachers in inspiring, guiding educating and mentoring nations. He encouraged education stakeholders to create conditions that allow teachers to perform to their full potential. “The teacher is at the forefront of education delivery. Improving the quality of teachers and their training always directly translates into better education outcomes. But they can’t do that alone. They need support. Support by Belgium, by the EU, by the education partners. And most of all: support from the government,” he said.

For more information about the education innovations in the NTCs, please visit https://bit.ly/3FoVfv6

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