Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Ouganda

Transforming Information into shareable Knowledge - Uganda

  • Transforming Information into Shareable Knowledge - Uganda

At Enabel, we believe that information has the power to transform societies by promoting sustainable development initiatives. The information we derive from our project implementation serves to improve our work but can further strengthen works of our partners when adopted on a larger scale.

Therefore, through experience capitalization, we have documented the key good practices in our efforts to train secondary school teachers in Uganda for the 21st century. We hope this content will reach others in similar sectors and inspire communities to change by acting as a guide to adopting, adapting and scaling up these practices.

Enabel and the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda implement the Teacher Training Education (TTE) project in five National Teachers’ Colleges of Muni, Mubende, Kaliro, Kabale and Unyama.

The project is mainly focused on 3 key areas:

· Institutional Development: to strengthen the management systems in the colleges and the Ministry of Education and Sports central departments, i.e. Teacher/Instructor, Education and Training Department (TIET).

· Infrastructure: to rehabilitate, expand and equip the college facilities.  

· Pedagogy: to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the colleges and partner secondary schools.

Click on the link to access the Capitalization document:

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