Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda
> Ouganda



  Byanganga Julius 43, hails from Kiryatete village in Hoima district where he lives with his family of 1 wife and four children. He is a defensive driver who was trained by Better World with support from Enabel.

Prior to becoming a skilled defensive driver, Julius was involved in doing casual works like being a tools man, carrying, offloading and loading luggage at the bus parks among others. He heard about the opportunity to do a training in skills development through a radio announcement for those who are interested.

He went to Better World offices and registered for a training in defensive driving, this is where drivers are taught how to foresee, control and avoid accidents. They are also taught how to interact with other road users like taxis, private car drivers, pedestrians and rowdy drivers. Byanganga’s take during the training was vehicle and client handling, and how to relate with other drivers on the road.

He now has skills in defensive driving which he says have enabled him to have multiple job opportunities to be a driver. He earns 450,000shs per month which he saves half of it to his bank account and also provide for his family members.
“The skills of defensive driving are vital for road users in order to avoid accidents and save lives that could have been lost due to careless and reckless driving,” said Byanganga. Also basing on the companies and individuals he has worked for, the first requirement they usually ask for is a defensive driving certificate which he has and easily finds one job after another. He is currently employed by a private individual

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