Support to the development of human resources in Uganda

> Ouganda

ICT trainings to foster digitalisation for development in the health sector

  •  ICT trainings to foster digitalisation for development in the health sector

Simon Nyakahuma a clinic Officer at Karugutu Health Centre IV had never used a computer. The closest he had been to a computer was at an internet cafe or at the printery, where he would still take his hand written work to be typed and printed for him.So was Elisha Kakongoro, an Anaesthethist officer at the same facility and Katusabe Jane a Nurse at Nyahuka Health centre IV.

Karugutu Health Centre IV is located in Ntoroko district and Nyahuka in Bundibugyo district, both facilities located in the Rwenzori region of Uganda.Simon Nyakahuma, a clinic officer from Karugutu HC IVThe needs assessment exercise conducted by the Support to the Development of Human Resources in all its beneficiary organisations identified a great need for skills in ICT and thus procured a training partner Aptech Computer Education, a certified International Computer Drivers License (ICDL) company to deliver these training.

A trainer takes the participants through a basic computing trainingThe trainings have been received with great enthusiasm from the recipients. "I have learnt alot in this training. I now understand how to operate a computer from the basics of file management, microsoft word, search engines, creating folders, naming files, saving documents in various formats etc", mentions Simon with a spark of excitement in his eyes."I had never used a computer for serious work," adds Elisha.

"This exposure will help me know how to use a computer for my work, which will in turn make my work more efficient."Elisha Kakongoro, Anaesthist Officer- Karugutu Health Centre IVJane Katusabe also intimates that she now understands computers and how to operate them.

She has learnt the specifics of a computer such as RAM, processors, Microsoft word, excel, power-point etc. She has also learnt basic computer management. "I had never used a computer, I would just see it there and had no idea how it is used," she says.Even when she had a presentation to make, she would always have someone prepare her presentation.

Now she happily says," After this training, I will be preparing my own power-point presentations and making my own reports."Jane Katusabe, Nurse- Nyahuka Health Centre IV"We are thankful to the the SDHR project for this thoughtful training.

Everyone in the training has their own computer to learn from and the trainer is really patient with us, knowing well that some of us have never used computers.

This knowledge is going to take us a long way in transitioning from paper work reports to digital content." Simon concludes.

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