Support to the development of human resources in Uganda

> Ouganda

Zombo residents celebrate restoration of x-ray services

  • Zombo residents celebrate restoration of x-ray services

Expectant mothers in Zombo and surrounding areas can now breathe a shy of relief following the reinstatement of the Imaging Unit at Holy Family Hospital Nyapea.  

The unit was closed by the Atomic Energy Council of Uganda in 2015 over failure to meet basic minimum standards.    

The shutdown meant that patients had to travel long distances to access x-ray services from private health facilities in neighbouring districts at exorbitant fees.  

However, there is now a reason to smile.     

The hospital was donated imaging equipment by the Strategic Purchasing of Health Services (SPHU) and Private Not for Profit (PNFP) projects of Enabel.  

While the support was a major boost, the facility could not instantly use the items. Holy Family Hospital Nyapea lacked skilled manpower to operate the machines.  

To address the challenge, Enabel, through the Support to the Development of Human Resources project, sponsored one staff member to pursue a diploma in diagnostic ultrasound.  

The imaging unit, which 5 years ago was non-existent, is now fully functional and serves at least 30 patients daily, mostly expectant mothers.  

“Timely performance of imaging examination has eased work since we make quick clinical care decisions,” says Dr Okello Pius, the Officer In charge of the Maternity Ward.  

That is not all. The facility has registered an increase in revenue from user fees which management attributes to the imaging unit.  
Measures are in place to ensure sustainability. The trained sonographer is currently mentoring colleagues to do the same work.    
The hospital is also sponsoring another staff member to pursue a diploma in medical radiography to meet the growing demand.  

Holy Family Hospital Nyapea commonly referred to as Nyapea Hospital is a private not-for-profit faith-based health facility in Zombo district.  

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