Financé par | European Union |
Phase | En cours |
Secteur | 41030 Bio-diversity |
Date de début | 31 mars 2025 |
Date de fin | 31 mars 2028 |
Budget | 2 803 738.00 € |
Code | RWA24002 |
Nom abrégé | NRM-TANGA |
The NRM-TANGA project (Natural Resources Management Program - Integrated management of the transboundary mosaic of Protected Areas (PA) and communal areas located astride the northern part of Lake Tanganyika) is tackling biodiversity loss by restoring and protecting a network of protected areas and high-value ecosystems and promoting the sustainable management of the surrounding landscapes, while creating decent incomes and jobs in the green sectors for local people.
At regional level, it aims to improve cross-border and inter-regional governance, coordination, and capacity for the conservation and management of cross-border Key Landscapes for Conversation and Development (KLCDs). The overall objective must be adapted to the specific context of the Greater Nyungwe-Kibira-Kabobo region.
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