Urban Development in Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana

> Rwanda

“Go, work and make an impact in your communities” – Dual Training students urged

  • “Go, work and make an impact in your communities” – Dual Training students  urged

In November 2023, 3 TVET schools supported under the partnership between Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) and Enabel’s Urbanization program (UEDi) organized the second graduation ceremony in the three schools working under the dual training program from Ecole des Sciences et Technique de Busogo (129 students), Saint Kizito Musha TSS (187 students) and Saint Martin Gisenyi TSS (148 students) making a total of 464 graduates. 

The graduates were trained in 5 trades and theses included, Masonry (249 students), Carpentry (67 students), Welding (37 students), Plumbing (66 students) and Domestic Electricity (45 students).    

The program is aligned to the Government priorities, including the promotion of skills development in construction sector with more focus on the production and correct use of Made in Rwanda construction materials. Officials who attended the ceremonies at different schools appreciated the contribution of the private sector in skills development and youth employment. 

According to testimonies raised either by government officials or company owners, effective skills development is a result of the partnership between key players including but not limited to policy makers, training providers and most importantly employers.  During the graduation ceremony at Ecole des Sciences et Technique de Busogo, representatives of the Belgian embassy and Rwanda TVET Board encouraged the graduates to use the skills they acquired to make a positive impact in their communities while displaying the right attitudes, quality work and professionalism wherever they are (self)employed. 

Graduates testify that the acquired certificate of competence helps them to access decent jobs either in the companies that hosted them during the in-company training or elsewhere. Some of them started their own businesses using the tools and materials acquired through the program.

While the target of the current bilateral program (2019-2024) was to train 1000 candidates through dual training, the urbanisation program has achieved its ambition where up to date 1044 students in general have successfully completed the program in above-mentioned trades and integrated on the labor market.    

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