Rwanda Decentralization Support Programme (RDSP) - Enhancing the Capacities of Districts (ECD)

> Rwanda

LCF - Short video documentary about the Local Competitiveness Facility

Through the cooperation of Belgium and Rwanda, the "Local Competitive Facility" (LCF) grant fund (worth €2.4 million) has been implemented in 4 pilot Districts - Gakenke, Gisagara, Rutsiro and Nyagatare - in Rwanda.

The objective of LCF is to fund innovative economic partnership projects implemented by different companies or cooperatives, which will enhance pro-poor local economic development (LED). Supported by the BTC-funded Rwanda Decentralization Support Programme (RDSP), LCF is implemented under the joint responsibility of the Local Development Agency (LODA), the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC) and the respective District authorities.

After a thorough selection process for which 497 projects initially applied, 36 projects have been selected for support. The projects are unique and developed by the partnerships, according to their own needs. Partnerships have formed in different economic sectors: in agro-processing (banana-beer making, honey-processing, bread making); handicraft (shoe-making, handbags, bamboo-products); tourism (boat services and sleeping services); and ICT (webshops).

For one year, each project will receive financial support as well as capacity building on business management and marketing in order to secure sustainable growth of their businesses.

Find out more about LCF by watching this exclusive video presenting this innovative funding mechanism through a sampling of 4 beneficiary projects.

A short version of the video can be accessed here:

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