Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development - Energy Sector

> Rwanda

Towards the setting-up of a capacity development system

  • Towards the setting-up of a capacity development system

The NRG CB project is now called CDEU. It stands for "The Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development of the Electricity Utility Project".

The purpose of the BTC funded CDEU project is to contribute to the provision of reliable energy to the Energy Utility Corporation’s customers by strengthening infrastructure, central management and support functions and Human Resources staffing and competence development.

Towards the setting-up of a capacity development system

The capacity development system is a part of the central HR system designed to ensure that the Energy Utility Corporation has a coherent way of assessing and planning how it will ensure that its staff have the skills, knowledge and abilities it needs to successfully deliver its goals and objectives as measured by key performance indicators. Capacity development needs assessment and planning are integral elements of the performance management process and are completed yearly in conjunction with the performance evaluation programme.

To ensure that organizational and department goals and objectives are clearly understood and act as the basis of capacity development plans, an individual and his/her immediate supervisor discuss and assess the individuals capacities with reference to the business plan, department’s key results, the job description and performance contract. In the discussion, they decide the individual’s specific needs, the method that is most appropriate, assign a priority rating, decide when the capacity development should take place and estimate the cost to the organisation. This plan is then monitored on a quarterly basis and its effectiveness assessed during the following year’s performance evaluation.

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