On the 10th of May, the first Steering Committee of the Youth Economic Empowerment Project (YEP) took place. The project is part of the larger EU program on Youth Empowerment that is supporting the economic empowerment and promoting the socio-economic engagement of young Palestinians.
The Steering Committee was attended by youth representatives from Gaza and the West Bank, the European Union and governmental counterparts from the national TVET Commission, the Higher Youth Council and the Ministries of Entrepreneurship & Empowerment, Higher Education and Labour.
During this first meeting, the European Training Foundation provided insight in the main challenges in youth economic empowerment in Palestine from their research and presented some concrete recommendations. These recommendations served as the basis for developing the three main lines of action under the YEP project: (1) Strengthen public employment services; (2) Promote up- and re-skilling initiatives, and (3) Strengthen the entrepreneurship eco-system. Enabel provided all partners with the state of play on the activities, partner management and the intermediary results of a baseline and a targeting strategy on vulnerability. The project aims to reach over 1000 vulnerable young people in the entire Territory of Palestine.
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