Enhance Resilience for Micro-businesses and Create Sustainable livelihood Opportunities in the Gaza Strip

> Palestine

SAWA completed the first phase of the micro-enterprise development training

  • SAWA completed the first phase of the micro-enterprise development training

As an essential step before providing the seed fund for SAWA beneficiaries, the implementing partners of SAWA ”WAC and Bayader” have completed SAWA Micro-Enterprise Development” SMED training for the first 48 beneficiaries in Gaza city and Khanyounis.

The training improved the beneficiaries’ knowledge, skills, and competencies in the field of business development and life skills. It was designed to cover multi topics in the field of business development such as business planning, financial management, risk management and electronic marketing.

The next step is the selection of 20 feasible business plans based on the training to receive a seed fund and create their businesses.

Another two training cycles will take place targeting 100 beneficiaries to support additional 80 business plans to have a total of 100 micro businesses established by the SAWA project.

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