Enhance Resilience for Micro-businesses and Create Sustainable livelihood Opportunities in the Gaza Strip

> Palestine

Enabel signs an agreement to start the implementation of SAWA project in Gaza Strip

  • Enabel signs an agreement to start the implementation of the project

Enabel signed an agreement with the Environment and Development Association (Byader), Centre for Women's Affairs (WAC) and the Palestinian Federation of Industries (PFI) to begin implementing the project "Enhance Resilience for Micro-businesses and Create Sustainable livelihood Opportunities in the Gaza Strip - SAWA" with a budget of €1.650.000 funded by the European Union.

SAWA is a 3-year project and aims to contribute to economic resilience in the Gaza Strip through enhancing the resilience and sustainability of micro-businesses in the Gaza Strip and initiating sustainable and innovative green/circular economy initiatives.  

SAWA meets the urgent needs of the most vulnerable population in marginalized communities in the Gaza strip and seeks to strengthen their economic resilience through focusing on niches among the initiatives of the selected beneficiaries. SAWA also helps facilitate new economic growth opportunities in the field of circular and green economies by providing green solutions to problems identified by the industrial sector and by creating new business opportunities for innovative green entrepreneurs.

SAWA will be implemented in a partnership with experienced civil society organizations and private sectors in Gaza Strip following a community-based approach in which their capacity will be upgraded in the field of business development services and green/circular economy allowing them to deliver high quality services to their communities.

As such, the project will support the creation of viable and economically sound micro-businesses that are essential for livelihood, self-employment and long-term job creation through providing capacity building, skills enhancement, seed funding coaching and mentoring and technical assistance to vulnerable and marginalized groups.

The project will benefit 150 unemployed young people from training opportunities (administrative, financial, and technical), counseling and guidance sessions, grants to create micro-businesses, as well as 30 young entrepreneurs capable of creating innovative solutions in the green/circular economy. SAWA also supports partner institutions from civil society organizations and private sectors by providing capacity-building programs to enhance its institutional capabilities.

The agreement was signed at Enabel office in Gaza strip in the presence of representatives of the Belgian development agency and partner institutions. Mrs. Haneen Abu Nahla, SAWA Intervention Officer and Enabel’s Office Manager in Gaza, Dr. Sabri Sabt, Chairman of Byader Foundation, Ms. Amal Siam, Executive Director of the Center for Women's Affairs (WAC) and Mr. Ali Hayek, Deputy Chairman of the Palestinian Federation of Industries (PFI). As per the signed agreement, the project’s implementation starts mid of September 2020 for the duration of 20 months.  

The representatives of the partner institutions addressed the importance of this agreement in fighting unemployment, poverty, economic empowerment of young people and women, and enhancing the resilience and sustainability of micro-businesses in the Gaza Strip.

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