Joint Financing Arrangement - phase II

> Palestine

Safe access to school: school transportation with the support of the JFA

  • Safe access to school: school transportation with the support of the JFA


In some villages in Area C of the Palestinian Territory, distance to school can be long and frictions with army or settlers are frequent. Children are often enrolled at a later age, have a significant amount of school days missing and frequently drop out early. 

From 2016, with the support of the Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA), the Ministry of Education is leasing a reliable bus service to bring the children safe to school every day.


  • 2016 
    • West Bank: 8 buses --> 6 communities --> 411 students

  • 2017
    • West Bank: 11 buses --> 9 communities --> 640 students
    • East Jersualem: 8 buses --> 6 communities --> 165 students

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