Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestine

LGRDP resumes "Experience Exchange Platform" ARD Laboratory Meetings

  • LGRDP resumes

Enabel has resumed its ARD Laboratory "Exchange of Experience Platform" meetings. This meeting entitled "Partners for environmental protection", attended by Enabel, the Ministry of Local Government, the Environmental Quality Authority, the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities, the Municipal Development and Lending Fund, and the local authorities partnering in the LGRDP programme, discussed the role of partner institutions at the national level, mechanisms for localization of SDGs and promoting of the green economy.

The meeting began with a presentation by the Ministry of Local Government on the national policies agenda and the role of local authorities in localizing the Sustainable Development Goals. The Environmental Quality Authority presented the agreements signed by Palestine in climate change, the national climate adaptation plans, and the affected sectors by climate change, focusing on the Local Authorities. The Association of Palestinian Local Authorities presented the roadmap for localizing the Sustainable Development Goals and the activities implemented to raise local authorities’ awareness of the SDGs.

The Municipality of Beita presented its experiences of waste recycling, the legal challenges, the private sector engagement, and community involvement in decision-making. Bartaa municipality presented its pioneering experience of involving women and young people in decision-making, activating their role to contribute to local development, green initiatives implemented during the past period within the programme.

The ARD Laboratory "Exchange of Experience Platform" are regular meetings held every 3 months, to share success stories and lessons learned among partners, focusing on LGRDP objectives for the environment and the green economy, aiming to increase communication and networking between the different partners of the programme to enhance sustainability opportunities in the activities implemented.

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