Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestine

Gradueneur - The first TVET Boot Camp in the Palestinian Territory

  • Gradueneur - The first TVET Boot Camp in the Palestinian Territory

The first boot camp for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Palestine was launched in Gaza city on the 31st of May. This entrepreneurship boot camp for TVET graduates or Gradueneur is a joined initiative of the Belgian Development Agency and Islamic Relief in cooperation with the private sector. Representatives from the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and representatives from the private sector and the trade unions all attended the opening ceremony.

During 3 days, 120 graduates of the construction and ICT sectors will be trained in life and entrepreneurship skills that will help them to take the first steps in their career. Before the start of the boot camp, the students were asked about their expectations, and based on their hopes and desires, they were divided in two groups.

A first group of 60 students indicated that they would like to start their own company. Therefore, they received a three day training course on how to develop a business plan. The first day they had courses on the concept of being an entrepreneur. The second day there were sessions on how to translate their own idea into a sustainable business model, and on the third day they had to defend their ideas and their business plan in front of a professional jury. The jury – consisting of the private sector and business experts – has given them feedback and the 4 best ideas from each sector – ICT and construction – have won a start-up fund, financed by Islamic Relief.

The other 60 students indicated that they prefer to work as an employee in a company. Therefore, a different trajectory was foreseen for them. On the first day, a career guidance session helped them to improve their CVs and apply for a job. The next day, different companies from the Gaza strip were invited to attend a career day, where they could get into contact with the students. The companies were given an incentive to recruit them, because during the first two months they only have to pay their employees 30% of their salaries, as the other 70% will be funded by Islamic Relief. At the end more than 25 graduates were hired during the career day.

This boot camp was a first in the Palestinian Territory. As it turned out to be very successful, the idea might be exported to the West Bank as well. 

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