Connected Africa Summit 2024: Closing the Gender Digital Divide

  • Connected Africa Summit: Closing the Gender Digital Divide

The Digital for Girls and Women team partnered with the Connected Africa Summit in Nairobi to coordinate a series of panel discussions on the topic of the gender digital divide. African and European gender experts, students from Thika Technical Institute and the Nairobi Technical Training Institute, as well as the EU and Belgian Ambassador, were invited to participate in the discussions and the plenary meetings.

The D4GW team took the opportunity to interview participants, gathering their perspectives on the challenges women and girls face in ICT and potential solutions to bridge the gender digital divide.


  • Shamira Ahmed, Chair of the D4D Hub Civil Society and Academia Advisory Group (South Africa)
  • Ieva Jākobsone, Founder of She Rebuilds the World and Professor at the John Cabot University (Rome, Italy)
  • Meryem Kassou, Founder of Digitis (Morocco)
  • Noelie Kiswendsida Kouraogo, Director of Mys'TIC (Burkina Faso)
  • H.E. Peter Maddens, Ambassador of Belgium to Kenya
  • Paul Mbua, Chair of the D4D Hub Private Sector Advisory Group (Cameroon)
  • Irene Mwendwa, Executive Director at Pollicy (Uganda)
  • Angela Ndanu, Final-year student in information science at Thika Technical Training Institute (Kenya)
  • Ada Nduka Oyom, Founder of She Code Africa (Nigeria)
  • Onica Nonhlanhla Makwakwa, Digital Inclusion & Gender Equality Specialist (South Africa)
  • Millicent Obara, Instructor at the Thika Technical Training Institute, ICT-department (Nairobi, Kenya).
  • Erly Sheillah Odhiambo, first-year student in computer science at Thika Technical Training Institute (Kenya)
  • Vanessa Onek Tandekwiri, Consultant with Startup Uganda
  • Malick Tapsoba, Digitalization and innovation expert, Digital for Girls and Women (Burkina Faso)
  • Margaret Wangui, second-year student in ICT at Nairobi Technical Training Institute (Kenya)
  • Jesca Tracy Wanyony, second-year student and Thika Technical Training Institute, Kenya
The reports can be accessed here: Connected Africa Summit 2024: Closing the Gender Digital

  • Connected Africa Summit 2024: Closing the Gender Digital Divide
  • Connected Africa Summit 2024: Closing the Gender Digital Divide
  • Connected Africa Summit 2024: Closing the Gender Digital Divide
  • Connected Africa Summit 2024: Closing the Gender Digital Divide

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