Inclusive and sustainable value chain development in the pig and poultry sector

> Ruanda

Rwandan farmers learnt new technologies in the Libramont Agriculture Trade Fair 2023

  • Rwandan farmers learnt new technologies in the Libramont Agriculture Trade Fair 2023
    • Rwandan farmers learnt new technologies in the Libramont Agriculture Trade Fair 2023
    • Rwandan farmers learnt new technologies in the Libramont Agriculture Trade Fair 2023
    • Rwandan farmers learnt new technologies in the Libramont Agriculture Trade Fair 2023

Private sector actors supported by PRISM-Enabel participated in the Librramont Agriculture Trade Fair 2023 in Belgium from 28th to the 31st of July to learn new technologies and innovations along the pig value chain to improve their production, quality of pork meat and profitability.

Four private companies under Rwanda Pig Farmers Association (RPFA) that were facilitated to attend the trade fair had an opportunity to make business to business sessions with larger producers and manufactures to promote collaboration and knowledge transfer in pig value chain. 

In addition, Rwanda Pig Farmers Association started a collaboration with University of Liege/Department of Veterinary services aimed at technical expertise sharing.
At the Libramont Agricultural Trade Fair, RPFA Team had an opportunity to meet with Will Borsus, The Vice President and Minister for the Economy, Foreign Trade, Research and Innovation, Digital, Regional planning, and Agriculture, in conversation, who appreciated the contribution of Belgium in the pig value chain development in Rwanda.

Libramont Agricultural Trade Fair takes place every year in Belgium. It is the largest open event in Europe which welcomes nearly 200,000 visitors, 700 exhibitors and 4,000 brands.   

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