EU digital solutions to strengthen the resilience of education and health systems to COVID-19 in the Eastern, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region

> Bélgica

RWANDA: COVID-19 results in your pocket

  • COVID-19 results in your pocket

In August 2020, the European Union and Germany issued a grant that aimed at supporting nine countries[1] in Africa in the use of digital technologies to address the health challenges that are caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The RESICODI (strengthening the resilience to COVID-19) project is implemented by Enabel in Burundi, Rwanda and the DR Congo.One of the challenges that Rwanda had to face, as many other countries, was monitoring the spread of the virus and the vaccination of the population.

Through the RESICODI project, Enabel collaborated with the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) to develop a COVID-19 app (the RBC-C19 app), giving patients the opportunity to manage their vaccination status, keep track of their results and offering access to various reliable resources related to COVID-19. The RBC-C19 app became the official COVID-19 status application for Rwanda's national health agency.To date, more than 10,000 people have downloaded the app.

“COVID-19 has demonstrated that we need to use information systems and data. We need to be as prepared as possible to inform in real time,”
says Dr. Richard Gakuba, Business Analyst eHealth at Enabel.

“The client just needs to register in the app and he/she can then access his/her vaccination status. The app automatically shows the certificate. It’s really easy to use for me in my job.”
Lambert Mugabo, taxi driver and user of the RBC-C19 app.
[1] Burundi, Rwanda, DRC, Botswana, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia

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