Financed by | European Union |
Stage | Ongoing |
Sector | 43030 Urban development and management |
Start date | 19 diciembre 2024 |
End date | 19 diciembre 2029 |
Budget | Not available |
Code | RWA23001 |
Short name | CLIMURBA |
The CLIMURBA project stands for Inclusive and climate-proof urban development of Rwandese secondary cities. Its objective is to enhance the living conditions of the Rwandan urban population, especially the most vulnerable groups, with a specific focus on informal settlement's inhabitants, through an inclusive, smart and climate-proof approach for the satellite's cities of Rwamagana and Bugesera.
A combination of support to physical and social infrastructure informal settlements upgrading and digital services provision aim to enhance the overall living conditions and inclusive development of these cities and improved urban planning. It would be structured around 5 axes, the first three having been initiated by UEDi 1: (1) institutional strengthening on sustainable economic development of both national and district authorities; (2) inclusive development through community participation and private sector involvement, (3) support to the Made in Rwanda in the construction sector development as part of the promotion of green and circular economy, (4) access to affordable housing; (5) increase digital services for inhabitants and improved smart urban planning.
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