Ensure accessible, evidence-based, improved and innovated sexual and reproductive health services for empowered citizens - district support

Barame SRH Districts
> Ruanda

A new Youth-Friendly Centre was launched in Nyamasheke District, Western Province of Rwanda

  • A new Youth-Friendly Centre was launched in Nyamasheke District, Western Province of Rwanda
    • A new Youth-Friendly Centre was launched in Nyamasheke District, Western Province of Rwanda
    • A new Youth-Friendly Centre was launched in Nyamasheke District, Western Province of Rwanda
    • A new Youth-Friendly Centre was launched in Nyamasheke District, Western Province of Rwanda
    • A new Youth-Friendly Centre was launched in Nyamasheke District, Western Province of Rwanda

The Nyamasheke Youth-Friendly Centre was launched on 11 November 2022 in Kagano Sector, Nyamaseke District.
Renovated and equipped with the support of Enabel’s Barame project, the Centre will deliver Adolescent, Sexual & Reproductive Health (ASRH) services to Nyamasheke Youth.

Started in January 2021, the programme aims at enhancing Youth-Friendly Centres to deliver high-quality youth-friendly services among young people and adolescents including Adolescent, Sexual and Reproductive Health services, improving young people's knowledge of ASRH and prevention of Gender-Based Violenve and drug abuse.

In addition, Youth Friendly Centres were provided with equipment to enable the youth play, socialise and acquire economic skills including sewing, shoe making, hair dressing to name but a few.

The Youth-Friendly Centres were renovated or constructed and equipped in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) and Society for Family Health (SFH) Rwanda.

In total, eight Youth Friendly Centres have been renovated and equipped with Belgian support in the framework of Enabel's Barame project.
They were reinforced in the seven districts of Barame intervention namely Karongi, Nyamasheke and Rusizi in the Western Province, Gisagara in the Southern Province, Gakenke and Rulindo in the Northern Province and two centres in Nyarugenge district, City of Kigali.

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