Improved access to Justice for Women through Legal Aid


Improved access to Justice for Women through Legal Aid
Financed by European Union
Stage Ongoing
Sector 15170 Womens equality organisations and institutions
Start date 1 enero 2024
End date 30 marzo 2026
Budget 4 672 897.00 €
Code TZA23003
Short name IMPAWLA

Project description

The IMPAWLA project (Improved access to Justice for Women through Legal Aid) project is part of the European Union’s "Breaking the Glass Ceiling" Gender Transformative Action in Tanzania, which aims to accelerate gender equality and empower women and girls. This initiative focuses on increasing access to justice for all, particularly for women, by safeguarding civil, economic, and political rights. It seeks to promote equity among citizens and strengthen public trust in legal institutions through a combination of citizen-led rights advocacy and institutional reforms.Enabel is leading this initiative, which will be implemented through Legal Services Facility (LSF), a Tanzanian NGO dedicated to promoting human rights and legal empowerment. LSF operates a nationwide network of 184 paralegal units, ensuring legal aid services reach grassroots communities in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.

General Objective

To enhance access to justice for all, with a particular emphasis on women and girls.

Specific Objective (Outcome)

To reduce inequalities in access to justice for women, girls, and marginalized groups.

Key Outputs

  1. Strengthening the provision of accessible, high-quality, and gender-transformative legal aid and empowerment services for women, girls, and marginalized groups.
  2. Enhancing the institutional sustainability of LSF and strengthening the legal aid sector in Tanzania.
The Project applies a dual approach, addressing both demand-side (citizen engagement) and supply-side (institutional transformation) aspects of access to justice:
  • Citizen Legal Empowerment: Raising awareness of legal rights, increasing access to legal aid, and promoting community-based advocacy.
  • Institutional Strengthening: Supporting local legal institutions to integrate gender-responsive policies and providing technical assistance to ensure sustainable legal aid services.
The project is implemented nationwide, with targeted interventions in selected districts and regions piloting holistic approaches to improving access to justice.


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